What are the benefits?

Excellent images – The Philips Ingenia 1.5T is the first digital broadband system ever. It incorporates dStream architecture that digitizes the signal directly in the MR coil, substantially improving the signal-to-noise ratio, resulting in exceptional image resolution. The DynaWell L-Spine compression device can provide 60-70% more data for patients with symptoms of Sciatica and Neurogenic Claudication.

Fast exams – With our advanced MRI technology, we can perform routine exams of the brain, spine, knee and as well as organs and extremities quickly and easily, some cases in less than 8 minutes – with superb image quality.
More complex vascular, cardiac, and musculoskeletal studies can last from 20 to 40 minutes. The Ingenia 1.5T has innovative technologies which speed up exams and increase productivity. It simplifies patient positioning and coil handling for our technologists, so patients can be scanned from head to toe across the entire 55cm field of view in less time than current MR systems.

Fewer repeat exams – The Ingenia 1.5T gives our radiologists and referring physicians access to the clear, detailed MR images they need to help make informed diagnoses, resulting in fast, more comfortable exams and fewer repeat exams for our patients. Published studies in, among others “Spine”, and ongoing studies verify that the DynaWell® methodology is valuable in lumbar spine pathology (spinal stenosis, sciatica, disc herniation, synovial cysts) and hip, knee and ankle pathology. With DynaWell®, clinical studies show that it is possible to achieve a more specific and valid diagnosis, compared with regular non-loaded PRP.

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